Tooth pain can sometimes feel inexplicable and in some cases, unbearable. The causes are varied and range from ordinary tooth sensitivity to periodontal disease. In many cases, tooth pain can be alleviated by avoiding food that is too hot or too cold for a few days or weeks. But symptoms such as a sharp pain when biting down on food could be an indicator of tooth decay or a growing cavity which should be seen to immediately. Then there are other cases where the pain is caused by something connected to but separate from the teeth, like sinuses.
In the case of decaying or dead teeth, the best solution is usually a root canal.
The benefit of a root canal is simple: you will maintain the structure of the dead tooth so that you can continue to use it functionally for things like eating. It also means that the patient avoids having to undergo a procedure to receive a dental implant, or even get a denture put in.
So how can a root canal help tooth pain?
A dead or decaying tooth is highly prone to infection and this infection is often one of the factors that will cause the pain. Before the procedure, an X-ray is usually carried out in order to assess it and see how much damage has been done. Since the pain can be quite severe, patients are often given a local anesthetic in order to numb the area (this also helps to prevent pain during surgery).
Once anesthetic has been applied, an opening in the crown of the tooth is made. All of the infected or dead “pulp” in the middle is removed. The opening is sometimes left in order to get the rest of the material out, which may require draining. This can take a bit of time and temporary fillings are sometimes given so that all of the material can completely drain away. It is only afterwards that the tooth is filled and sealed.
What is it like after the procedure?
The nerve of the tooth will be dead, although after a root canal the patient will experience a bit of sensitivity and pain. Once the procedure is completely finished (after it has been filled and sealed with a crown) the pain will begin to subside. This may take a bit of time and getting used to, but it usually goes away.
After a root canal, it is important that the patient maintains regular check-ups to ensure that nothing else has gone amiss. With the right amount of oral hygiene, the tooth can continue to function in the mouth for a long time. The procedure itself is worth it not only for getting rid of the pain, it will also ensure that your tooth is no longer prone to infection so that it can be used properly.
For many people, the words ‘root canal’ bring dread. We all have friends who have terrible stories of getting a root canal. However, by choosing the right dentist and dental practice you can mitigate those possible issues and pain. Dr. Djuric, DDS has over 25 years of dental experience. If you would like to setup a consultation to meet Dr. Djuric to discuss your dental issues, give us a call today at 850- 542-4428.