The thought of having a root canal done at the dentist makes most of us literally cringe. While we’ll explain in this article the process for having a root canal done, it’s most important to know who is doing the root canal, should you need one. Here at Perdido Bay Dental, Dr. Djuric has been a leading dentist in the Gulf Coast for over 25 years. But a few other dentists could say the same thing. What makes Dr. Djuric stand apart is how he makes patients feel, even during the most nerve-wrecking procedures such as root canals. Take a look at what our patients have to say.


Now, let’s look at the process of having a root canal done. A root canal is done to help save and repair a damaged or badly infected tooth. Usually the damage comes from a deep cavity, a cracked tooth, or repeated dental treatments or orthodontics to the tooth. If a root canal is not done, an abscess can form and a dangerous infection can spread from your mouth to other parts of your body. If you need a root canal, here’s what you can expect from the procedure:

  1. X-ray – If during your exam we suspect you need a root canal, we’ll first take X-rays to see where the decay is located. we’ll also make sure that no infection has started in the surrounding bone.
  2. Anesthesia – The dentist will inject local anesthesia to numb the tooth and the surrounding area. The insertion of the needle may hurt a bit. It usually takes a few minutes for the anesthesia to take effect. Once the dentist is certain you will not experience any discomfort during the procedure, he will prepare the tooth by isolating it with a piece of rubber to keep it clean and dry.
  3. Drilling – To access the root area of the tooth, the dentist will use a small drill to create an opening in the top part of the tooth. Then the dentist will clean out the damaged part of the pulp that is inside the tooth using files. They may also clean out the root area of the tooth with water to make sure there is no remaining diseased pulp. If there is a large portion of diseased pulp, the dentist may put some kind of antibacterial solution in the pocket to make sure no infection is able to start.
  4. Filling – After the dentist has thoroughly cleaned out the damaged pulp, they will fill the pocket using a rubbery material. Then the opening at the top of the tooth is closed with a filling. The dentist will place a temporary crown over the tooth until your permanent crown is made and ready.
  5. Crown – After a few days, Dr. Djuric will finish the root canal process by putting a crown or other type of dental restoration over the top of the tooth. A crown is used to entirely cover a damaged tooth and strengthen it. A crown helps to improve the tooth’s appearance, shape or alignment so it blends in with the rest of your teeth and you can bite down like normal. Depending on how much of your natural tooth is left, a small post may need to be placed within the root pocket to make the crown more stable. You will be able to chew and eat like normal shortly after getting the permanent crown placed.

If you have been feeling chronic tooth aching or pain, please call us today at (850) 542-4428. We’ll do a thorough exam to determine if you need or root canal or not. We’re here to help.